婚礼督导的手势动作 |
添加时间:2017/10/19 15:02:06 浏览次数:1 |
领掌:婚礼中督导师的领掌就是引领现场的来宾在仪式中为新人鼓掌的意思。婚礼中的领掌不是鼓掌,而是用引掌的手势无声地带动别人,而不是自已本身去用有声的掌声来带动别人。 Take the palm: the lead of the supervisor at the wedding ceremony is to lead the guests in the ceremony to applaud the new couple. Instead of clapping, it is the gesture of the palm of the hand that leads others, rather than the sound of applause. 督导的领掌分为两种: There are two kinds of leaders of the supervision: 1、小领掌:在中小型的婚礼中如15席以下的宴会中一般用小领掌的方式来带动现场便可,手势的标准就是把手放在自已胸前部份的位置两手合一,由外到内以三次到五次之间的次数便可,把婚礼现场带动掌声后便可把手放下。 1, small collar zhang: in the small and medium-sized wedding like 15 seats under the party with a small way to drive the scene can be led palm, gestures of the location of the standard part is to put your hands on your chest hands one, from outside to inside in three to five times the number of times can, can put his hand down to drive the applause after the wedding. 2、大领掌:在大型的婚礼中,或宴会厅本身柱子较多的情况下使用为多。手势就是把双手高出头的部分,但手势不要把自已的脸挡住,和小领掌一样,由外到内三到五次,直到来宾的掌声响起便可把手放下。 Big take: in big wedding, or banquet hall itself is more of the circumstance that use is more. Gesture is the part of both hands above the head, but don't hold up your face, gesture and small palm, from inner to outer in an three to five times, put down until the guest of applause rang can handle. 手势: Gestures: 督导“请”的手势礼,在婚礼中是用得比较多的。请的手势同时也是方向的指南针。 The "please" hand gesture is used more frequently during the wedding. The hand gesture is also the compass of the direction. 婚礼督导请的手势一般分为三种: There are three types of gestures: 1、单手请:督导在服务新人时,都应是在新人的右手边进行为主,当用“请”的手势时,首先十指并拢,左手自然随下或紧贴放在正中身体的背面腰间(皮带)的位置,右手随着身体自然伸出,同时眼神和头部跟着手势的方向协调,直到被请人看到并按正确方向进行时才可以把手势放下。 Please: 1, single hand supervision in the new service, should be in the right hand side of the couple to give priority to, when to use "please" gesture, first of all fingers together, the left hand under the nature with or close to in the middle of the body on the back of the waist position (belt), the right hand with the body's natural, coordination of eye and head with gestures direction at the same time, until the people to see and follow the right direction to just can drop gesture. 2、双手请:这种手势是婚礼中督导有请新人共同入场,或有请工作人员共同打开门的时候使用。就是把十指并拢后同时伸出,掌心面向面部与眉成平线位置,但不要把脸档住,当工作人员把门打开后或新人看到指令后,方把手放下。然后身体向左退回一步,其次用单手请的姿势有请新人入场。 2, both hands: this gesture is used when the director of the wedding is invited to enter the ceremony, or when the staff member opens the door. Is put out after the fingers together at the same time, the palm face to face with eyebrow cost line, but don't put the face gear, when workers open the door or the couple see instruction, hands down. The body then steps back to the left, followed by a one-handed pose for new entrants. 3、个性请:当婚礼流程中,新人是从两个入口同时进场时会用到这种手势。首先把双手十指并拢后把双手举高于头顶,掌心面向观众后把两手左右伸开,指向新人或开门的工作人员,当指令得到确认时,慢慢地把手转向自已面对的位置,意思就是有请新人在指定的位置相遇或做交接点。然后从这里开始共同入场。那么请的手势也是可以分为快、慢两种风格的,这主要是督导根据司仪的风格来定的,温馨的婚礼现场或女孩子作为督导的情况下,一般用柔一些的动作。如果是男督导在大气的婚礼现场或司仪的风格是大气庄重的情况下,这种手势礼最好用得快一些,显得督导的干练,有效配合婚礼现场的执行感。 Personality: when it comes to the wedding process, the couple will use the gesture when they come in at the same time. After their fingers together first raised her hands above her head, palms facing the audience put his hands around after open, pointing to the new staff or open the door, when the order is confirmed, slowly put his hand to from already the location of the face, means, let's welcome the couple met in the location specified or do u. And then we start here. Please sign also can be divided into fast and slow two kinds of style, this is mainly to supervise according to the style of the MC, sweet wedding or girls as a supervisor, generally with soft some action. If it is male supervisor in the atmosphere of the wedding or the style of the MC is a solemn atmosphere, the gesture had better use faster, seem to be capable to supervise, effectively coordinate the implementation of the wedding. |
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