婚礼策划告诉你千万不要的事 |
添加时间:2018/1/6 16:21:51 浏览次数: |
1.怎么选酒店? 1. how to choose a hotel? 千万不要去相信什么手机APP点评这种软件或者网站推荐的酒店!大多数在那上面的都是经过人为操作的,那些排名都是假的。 Never trust a mobile phone, APP, software, or a hotel recommended by your website! Most of the people over there are artificially operated, and those rankings are fake. 有些好的酒店根本不会去哪种网站上排名,因为去那种推荐网站上排名是要酒店缴费的,而且拉低酒店的档次! Some good hotels don't go to any sort of website at all, because they go to the recommended sites to pay for hotels and lower the quality of the hotel! 和某些搜索引擎的排名是一样的,你看到的,都是利益相关的机构想让你看见的。那该怎么办呢? Like some search engines, you see what the stakeholders want you to see. What should I do then? 给大家支一个招儿:婚礼策划公司 Give you a trick: a wedding planning company 你确定好婚期以后,不要先去看酒店,而是要去找婚礼策划公司。你去到婚礼策划公司,策划师一般会问你:“婚期定了吗?” After you determine a good wedding, don't go to the hotel, but to go to the wedding planning company. You go to the wedding planning company, the general planner will ask you: "the wedding date?" 你说:“定了。” You said, "it's settled."." "几月几号呢?"“XX月XX号” "What's the date of the month?" "XX month XX."" 策划师:“好的。酒店订了吗?”“还没定。有什么推荐的吗?” Planner: ok. Has the hotel been booked?" It's not decided yet. Do you have any recommendations?" “你们大概一共有多少桌?”“XX桌。” "How many tables do you have altogether?"" "XX table."." “大概预算多少钱一桌?”“XX元左右吧” "About how much is the budget for a table?"" "XX yuan or so."" “好的,根据你的预算和桌数,我推荐下面这些酒店” "Well, according to your budget and the number of tables, I recommend the following hotels" 这个时候他们就会根据你们的家庭地址,推荐一些比较好的酒店了。因为他们平常都在这些地方做过,所以推荐的场地是有一定的保障的! At this point, they will recommend some better hotels according to your home address. Because they usually do in these places, so the recommended site is guaranteed! 这个时候!他们推荐了酒店的最终目的是想要你们在他们那里下订婚礼策划的单!您可千万不能这么快下订啊! This time! They recommend the ultimate goal of the hotel is to ask you to make a wedding planning list in them! You must not order so soon! ★千万注意! Do pay attention to! 得到了酒店信息之后,如果不是很信任这家婚礼策划公司,千万不要下单! After you get the hotel information, if you don't trust the wedding planning company, don't order it! 在一家婚礼策划公司得到酒店信息之后,应该多比较几家,看看其他家推荐的都是什么酒店!永远记住,你的目的是去了解酒店信息的,不是去定婚礼策划的。 After getting a hotel information from a wedding planning company, you should compare several to see what other hotels recommend! Always remember, your purpose is to understand the hotel information, not to plan the wedding. 如果你去了几家婚礼策划公司都是给你推荐的某几家酒店,那么,这个时候你就应该知道,这家酒店即使是再差,也差不到那里去了… If you go to several wedding planning companies to recommend some hotels to you, then you should know at this time that this hotel, even worse, is nowhere to go... 所以,这个时候,你就拿着你得到的酒店信息蹦跶蹦跶地去看酒店吧! So, this time, you take what you get the hotel information bounced bounced to see the hotel! 2.怎么定酒店? 2. how can I order a hotel? 看酒店的时候要考虑3件事情: There are 3 things to consider when looking at the hotel: 1)酒店装修怎么样 1) how about the hotel decoration? 把装修排在第一位是因为我最重视婚礼现场的布置是否漂亮。3500一桌的预算,在北京找5星级酒店应该比较难,如果找不到也没关系,现在有些不是星级酒店装修也很漂亮! The decoration was first because I valued the layout of the wedding site as beautiful. 3500, the budget of a table, in Beijing looking for 5 star hotel should be more difficult, if not find it does not matter, and now some are not star hotel, decoration is also very beautiful! 下面9点婚礼策划师看酒店的经验仅供参考。 The following 9 wedding planner to see the hotel's experience, for reference only. ☞A.无柱宴会厅:能够找到无柱子的宴会厅是最好的,不影响宾客的视线。通厅看上去气派豪华。瞬间宾客感受提升5个档次。 A A. column free Banquet: to find the column free banquet hall is the best, the guests do not affect the line of sight. The hall looks grand and luxurious. In a flash, guests feel 5 grades. ☞B.层高:酒店的层高也是非常重要的,一般来讲,比较理想的层高是9米左右。如果层高只有3米多,那么会给宾客比较压抑的感觉。 A B. storey Hotel: the story is also very important, generally speaking, the ideal height is about 9 meters. If the storey is only 3 meters, then it will give guests more depressive feeling. 在9米范围之内,是越高越好,超过9米的,我很少见,那么高也没有必要。 In the 9 meters range, the higher the better, more than 9 meters, I rarely seen, so high is not necessary. ☞C.灯光:叫宴会厅的人把酒店宴会厅的灯光全部打开,你看看效果。如果你看起来通厅透亮,那么基本的灯光就没问题了。 No C. light: call the banquet hall to the banquet hall lights are all opened, you see. If you look transparent, then the basic lighting will be fine. 还有一个就是舞台的灯光,要问问酒店是否有一些舞台的面光灯!就是专门照射舞台的灯光,如果有,最好,如果没有弥补方法是给些钱找婚礼策划公司增添一些舞台的面灯光。 Another is the lighting of the stage. Ask if the hotel has some stage lights! It's a special lighting for the stage, and if so, it's best to add some stage lighting to the wedding planning company if there's no way to make up for it. 还看看酒店是否有一些基本的染色灯,能够渲染出不同的现场氛围,如果有,那就全部争取免费用。 Also see if the hotel has some basic dye lights that can produce a different atmosphere, and if so, all for free of charge. ☞D.进场费:因为有些酒店如果是你自己请了策划公司去布置场地,酒店是要无端端收策划公司一笔进场费的。 A D. entry fee: because some hotel if you please the company planning to decorate the venue, the hotel is close to no reason an entrance fee planning company. 这个你要问酒店收不收,如果收,看收多少。因为这笔毫无根据的费用策划公司肯定是找新人出的,所谓羊毛出在羊身上。 You have to ask if the hotel will accept it. If you collect it, how much do you charge?. Because of the unfounded cost planning company is certainly looking for a newcomer, the so-called fleece. ☞E.进场布置时间:如果太晚进场,当天策划公司可能没有足够的时间布置,导致你宾客来了都不能够布置完。 A E. entry arrangement time: if it is too late to enter, the planning of the company may not have enough time arrangement, causing you to the guests are not able to finish the layout. ☞F.桌布椅套的颜色:如果是中式婚礼,主桌用红色,其他的用香槟色就可以了。这也是万能的搭配。如果是西式婚礼,你可以采用白色的桌布和椅套,或者接近白色的都行,看自己的接受程度而定。 No F. cloth coverings of the color: if Chinese wedding is the main table, with red, the other with champagne can. This is also a universal match. If it is a western style wedding, you can use the white tablecloth and coverings, or close to the white line, see their acceptance and. ☞G.LED屏幕:看看酒店舞台是否有LED大屏幕,有些酒店用LED大屏幕是要收费的,5K,1W不等。所以建议还是问清楚为好。 A G.LED screen: a look at the hotel stage if there is LED big screen, some Hotels with the LED large screen is to collect fees, ranging from 1W 5K. Therefore, it is better to suggest or ask clearly. 至于是否要用,完全看你自己的喜好了,用了LED大屏幕拍出来的照片效果不是那么好,就有点像你拿手机拍摄家里面的电视机的效果。 As for whether or not to use, completely look at your own preferences, and with the LED large screen shot out of the picture, the effect is not so good, it is a bit like you take a cell phone to shoot the TV inside the home effect. 好处呢,就是可以播放一些婚纱照什么的,看上去稍微显得大气一点点。 The advantage is that you can play some wedding pictures, and look a little bit atmospheric. 我个人的建议是,主背景可以不用LED大屏幕,反正一般来讲酒店四面墙都有投影仪的,主舞台背景可以叫婚礼策划公司制作背景。这样看上去不生硬,更有婚礼的氛围。 My personal advice is that the main background can not use LED large screen, anyway, in general, the hotel has four walls projector, the main stage background can be called wedding planning company production background. It doesn't look stiff and has a more atmosphere of marriage. ☞H.音响:不想说,说了大部分新人也应该不懂……就像大多数男人看女人指甲的颜色,好像都是差不多的,没什么差别。音响能听就行。 A H. Audio: do not want to say that most couples should not understand...... Just like most men look at the color of a woman's nails, it seems almost the same. It makes no difference. Sound can listen. |
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