婚庆消费陷阱 |
添加时间:2019/11/1 14:52:28 浏览次数: |
婚庆消费陷阱 Wedding consumption trap 一是选服务保持理性。选择婚庆服务前最好做些"功课",或通过网络搜一搜相关帖子,或向"过来人""取点经"等。 One is to choose service and keep rational. Before choosing the wedding service, it's better to do some "homework", or search relevant posts through the Internet, or to "come here" and "get some classics". 二是订合同写清内容。在签订婚庆服务合同时要问清服务细节,还要把口头约定写入书面合同。比如:对于婚车的问题,消费者应当向经营者问清车辆的型号、颜色、数量、服务时间等,并把这些情况写入书面合同。 The second is to sign a contract and make it clear. When signing the wedding service contract, we should ask for the details of the service and write the oral agreement into the written contract. For example, for the question of wedding cars, consumers should ask the operators about the model, color, quantity and service time of the cars, and write these information into a written contract. 三是不轻信夸大宣传。不要轻信婚庆公司的夸大宣传。消费者要选择具备营业执照、相关人员持证上岗的婚庆公司,他们的信誉度相对较高。 Third, we should not belittle and exaggerate propaganda. Don't take the wedding company's hype lightly. Consumers should choose wedding companies with business licenses and relevant personnel with certificates. Their reputation is relatively high. |
上一页 最简易浪漫温馨的婚礼策划: |
下一页 中式婚礼就是要主题突出传统的喜庆气氛 |
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