如何制作婚礼策划方案和流程 |
添加时间:2021/7/8 15:28:29 浏览次数: |
一名优秀的婚礼策划师,可以让新郎新娘以及宾客留下难以忘记的经历,而制作婚礼策划方案和流程是必然要熟悉掌握的,今天我就给大家一起分享一下如何制作婚礼策划方案和流程。An excellent wedding planner can leave unforgettable experiences for the bridegroom, bride and guests. Making wedding planning plan and process is bound to be familiar with. Today I will share with you how to make wedding planning plan and process. 一个好的方案决定了这场婚礼的成功与否 A good plan determines whether the wedding is successful or not 1 庄重神圣的感觉,毕竟这是人生的大事。 1 a solemn and sacred feeling, after all, this is a great event in life. 2 突出浪漫温馨的氛围。 2 to highlight the romantic and warm atmosphere. 3 有一些新的创意,但也要符合我们的实际情况。 3 there are some new ideas, but we should also be in line with our actual situation. 4 婚礼上会有很多的长辈和领导,所以我们最钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修 好有对他们表示尊敬的机会。 4 there will be a lot of elders and leaders at the wedding, so we'd better have a chance to show respect to them. 5 通俗而不低俗。 5 popular but not vulgar. 6 仪式的时间不应过长,30分钟以内。 6 ritual time should not be too long, within 30 minute |
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